Himalayan Steel & Alternative Construction Pvt. Ltd.

Lakhepati Marg, Dhumbarahi Kathmandu, Nepal

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5 benefits of prefabricated construction

Prefabricated housing is a unique concept in construction field where various components of the structure are manufactured in a factory and transported to the construction site for final assembly. The prefab construction is beneficial in various ways than that of the traditional construction. Some of the benefits of the prefabricated construction:


High speed construction

The prefabricated construction is more time saving then that of traditional constructing method. The essential elements in building a house like walls, stairs floors and roof are pre build or manufactured in factory ahead of time. As soon as the foundation are complete the pre build components of the building is assembled in less than half the time than the traditional construction method.


Cost saving

As the time of the construction is reduced to half, the cost of the construction is also reduced. Here the productivity of the labor is high, as the labor are skilled and well trained. The cost drops associating with moving components and units from fabrication shop to the construction site for assembly. Also the construction or assembly of the component requires less workers which saves the cost as well as the safety risk in the site is also decreased. Along with the cost efficiency, prefab construction gives you the wide ranges of flexibility with the home’s structural design, and limitless opportunities to design the house as per requirements.


Consistent quality

As discussed above the component of a building is constructed in the controlled manufacturing environment, following the specific standards. This means that the structure of the construction unit is in uniform quality. So when the specific standards is maintained the whole project outcome is in the best quality, also the building components are constructed using a technology that guarantees precise and uniform output adhering to the building code.


Safety and security

After the earthquake in Nepal, the main concern about the people were the safety of the buildings. The building must be resistantto earthquakes. Also, the major concern that people have is the safety and security of the workersand people on site. But since the most of the work of prefab construction is done in a controlled factory. The risk in on-site accident is reduced. And furthermore, in this post pandemic world, off site construction ensures that there are minimum number of workers and easy to follow COVID protocolsto ensure safety.


Less construction waste

Since the material waste is one of the major problem in construction industry and has harsh impact in environment as well, the building material asuch insulations, nails, electrical wiring, shingle and roofing as well as waste originating from site preparation such as dredging materials, tree stumps and rubble are the waste of the resource in anon-siteconstruction. Where as in the prefabricated construction is more affordable and efficient alternative to the traditional construction. According to research, there is only 2% wastage with the offsite construction whereas the traditional method produces 12% wastage. The prefab building is easy to disassemble and transported to a different site.

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