Himalayan Steel & Alternative Construction Pvt. Ltd.

Lakhepati Marg, Dhumbarahi Kathmandu, Nepal

+977 9801277780


Himalayan Steel & Alternative Construction Pvt. Ltd


In every construction, steel plays major part and in recent days the whole structures are made up of steel. Traditionally steel used to be covered with concert and not exposed to the external weather. But today, the buildings are made up of steels and openly exposed to the environment. Knowing this you might think of the rusting as when the steel comes in contact with rain or other weather condition, it tends to rust. So, it’s natural that you wonder about it. But there is no need! We are here to answer your all curiosities related to different weathers effect on the steel structure.


To begin with, the steel used in the construction of the structure and building are of high-quality material and coated with paints which prevent the steels from the rusting even if it comes in contact with the rain water. Also, you can add the gutter to your structure so that the rain water flows away and prevent from the leakage in the buildings.

Thunder and Lightening

We all are familiar about the danger of lightning and thunder storm and also know that the lightning is attracted towards metal. So, you might question,“isn’t the steel structure dangerous in this situation?”  And the answer is no. Because when the steel structure is struck by lightning, the electricity and heat from the strike is dispersed into the ground meaning that everything inside the building is completely safe.

We all know the steel is a strong metal so the building made up of it is also strong enough to stand still in the strong thunder storm. It does not bend under the pressure of the wind if constructed correctly and keep you away from any harm caused by thunder and lightning.

Snow and Cold Winter Winds

If you live in the place where there is a lot of snow, then a simple thing to keep in mind is the roof structure. You can easily prevent the damage that snow might cause by choosing a simple roof structure which does not allow the accumulation of snow. You can also plant few evergreen trees on the windy side of the steel structure which saves your building from the harsh wind of the winter. This way your building will be safe and you will also have fresh air from the plants. A win-win situation!

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